Model Linda Evangelista has been battling breast cancer for some time


This was announced by The Wall Street Journal, saying that in 2018, when she went to use a breast exam, they found out that she had cancer.

She was then treated and was fine until July 2022, when a tumor on his shoulder was found to be cancerous.

Linda asked the doctors to have the area removed and her breast removed so that she could have a healthy life. The doctors were skeptical at first because she is currently working in a beauty salon only and they ask her to listen to her that her concern is not to look good but to be healthy.

This famous model said that this situation was not easy for him and that he saw his death approaching, which is why he did not announce it only to his close people who knew.

53-year-old Linda Evangelista from Canada, who is one of the most famous models in the industry, has been on the cover of major magazines more than 700 times.

The model has had problems with self-care to improve her appearance which has kept her out of the fashion industry for some time. It was last year that he appeared again on ‘Vogue’, at that time he announced that when he knew the consequences that awaited him, he did not apologize because it made his life disgusting.