Emotions and the feelings of Dancer Titi Brown after being Released by the Court.

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It has been almost 2 years as the Best loved Dancer Ishimwe Thierry known as Titi Brown was being imprisoned, And his Trial case was too confused to many of his Fans, lovers, Family and others who followed his trial from the scratch.

Titi Brown was released this last Friday morning, After he was found not guilt by the High Court of Kigali. Titi Brown trial was so confused and un understandable as it was also marked by being postponed for almost 6 times without a valid reasons.

After realizing how sad and angry was his Fans, lovers and Family, The Nyarugenge High Court found and approved him as innocent, After the 2 years of imprisonement and ordered to immediately free him form the Prison,

This happened in the morning of this Friday, 10 November 2023 at 10h00’ after reading in the public the decision to his trial case, Ishimwe Thierry known as Titi Brown was being prosecuted to the crimes of molestation of the 17 years old girl on 14 August 2021,

The Nyarugenge high Court took such Decision after the Trial court essembled on 13 October 2023.

Shortly, here is how the trial Court went

After Titi’s Trial was repeatedly postponed for many times, not more than 6 times. On 13 October 2023 Titi’s trial accused of crimes of molestation of the 17 years old girl, And imprignanted her but that was later aborted contined.

The last time this trial was postponed was on 22 September 2023, When was supposed to read the Trial case Decisions to his Appealement of the Proposed 30 Days of the imprisonement in December 2022.

Again On 22 September 2023, The court spoke about the Decision that was not supposed to be read, because the procecution have seen the new signs on the Titi Brown’s side that would need them to explain.

On Titi Brown’s Side they requested for his freedom because even the DNA results showed that Titi was the Father of the child that was aborted. In the morning of Friday 13 October 2023, Ishimwe Thierry known as Titi Brown was brought again to the Nyarugenge High Court for

self-Explanatory to those new Signs, Before the trial court begins that is when they were shown in this complaint and added the new one was complained by Me Safari.

Titi Brown’s Attorney said that report was made to delay the trial, Because it was un understandable how the young girl’s case happened on 11 August 201 and the Report was made in September 2023, how can that girl was traumatized After all the 2 years.

Another thing is that there was a contradiction on their side because the Report in beginning was saying the girl was so fine and she had no problem but in the end comes to contradict it saying the Girl was having some problems connected to what was done to her.

To the 2nd Sign of the video shown by the Judgement, Titi Brown denied it saying it was not him seen in the video, When asked if it was him in the Video, He Said “That person in the Video may be looking the same as me,

But the reality is that I’m the not the one.” When asked if the girl in the video was real, Titi said Also she is not the one but simirar to her.