6 signs that your job is in jeopardy and you could lose it


“Today’s work is seen by the beholder.” It is one of the words that make up the song of the late Mwitenawe Augustin called “Join Me with Work” popularly known as “Nta Jet’Aime Ingura Igutu Amara”. Do you know what they are saying? They are rivers. Not many of today’s youth are new to rivers!!! It seems that many of today’s youth are still unemployed. It’s gone!!!

So the rivers used to be bright during the flood. The sorcerer would shake them and throw them up and they would fall down looking white and you would know that the bride was going to curse if she will not be poor or if the family will be a good bride and a member of the family. It could have been anything else you borrowed.

Coming back to what I started with, the current work seen by those who are ‘rivers’ is that the current work is difficult to see. Jobs are scarce and hard to find, but even harder to keep.

Unemployment and being without a job is painful and it hurts even more when you lose what you had in your hands, like now when you are called to the human resources office and receive a letter that starts with “We are sorry to inform you that…”

It is very painful to lose a job that you were not ready for, and it is even more heartbreaking when you leave a job unexpectedly and you have already committed yourself to being paid at the end of the month you have been on the job.

Sometimes there are people who know that they are threatened that they can be fired from their jobs at any moment and they are ready. Consider that during the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses are reducing staff and laying off some.

It’s common to go to work and hear that they are going to lay off employees and you think you are not in a good position and your productivity is “poor.” There are other reasons that can cause you to be fired from your job.

In this story, we present to you about 7 signs that will show you that every hour you can leave your job and also increase the beginning of unemployment which is bad and is the reason that causes the problems of mental illness symptoms that threaten young people.

1. When the company you work for merges with another or the owner sells it to another investor

Sometimes the news that your business is going to merge or be acquired by another comes like a tsunami. It’s like Airtel bought Tigo. Of course, this can improve the company, but the changes brought by the new employer are difficult for the employees to reach and often there is no lack of warning about their work.

If this happens, you know you will start looking for a job elsewhere because regardless of the position you have in the company, there is no guarantee that you will keep your job and they have changed jobs.

Joining a company or having something that you are doing does not mean that you will get a job, but you should know that you are swimming in the magazine because the water is not for others and it is better to expect everything possible at this time.

2. You will not achieve the goal you are working towards

Every time you set a goal at work and the time you set to complete it is below the percentage of the goal you set, and it is more than one, two, three times…, you realize that hour by hour you lose your work, especially if you work in sales and production departments. Bankers are the ones who tell you exactly the cost of setting goals and not achieving them.

3. Your boss no longer invites you to important meetings involving small employees

If you were previously invited to meetings where your boss invited a few people, including managers, and now you see them entering his office and staying for two hours without you being invited, this is a warning sign.

It is a sign that you are prepared to be praised or dismissed. At this point you should go and look at your CV, edit it, update it and start looking for a job elsewhere.

4. They always check your work output and find it low

In general, work productivity is one of the most important criteria for promotion. However, when they come to check up on you and find your productivity unsatisfactory, you should know that your days at work are numbered. In short, you should start looking for information about what those who got a job in those days did because you are not going to keep it either.

5. Your employer runs away from you, doesn’t approach you like before, and you don’t talk to each other like before

If your employer (boss) was comfortable with you, took advantage of your heart sometimes and beat your secrets, but now he doesn’t even want to look you in the face. Even when you make a mistake, does he retaliate without arguing or scolding you?

He gives you a job and makes it easy for you. This is one of the most common signs that this employer will no longer be your employer in the next few months.

6. It’s not uncommon for you to be promoted without being told why

Usually in the workplace, after a certain period of working in the workplace, employees are promoted