5 Importance things of water mixed with lemon for your health

Feature News Health

Drinking water with lemon it brings many good things which helps a lot in our daily life , but do we have to trust what science tells us about lemon.
Water with lemon juice is the mixture of water and lemon ,which is taken while not hot and not cold mixed with honey ,ginger and green paper.

There many things that talks about drinking water mixed with lemon like losing weight , looking good on skin, to remove waste in a body.

the research on human body is said that lemon is among the fruits in the world which has the capacity to heal many disease and also is said to help a lot with the people who want to loose weight

1. The source of wet.

water it self is one of the important things and with out water a person can not live for a long time .for sure it is what is made of 75% fore the kilograms of a baby and 55% of an elder person.

If you have a problem in taking water ,putting lemon in water can make you feel much better while taking it

the thirsty is mostly shown by having headache ,feeling weak in the body and tiredness. it is very important to take too much water while working or in hot seasons .

the British healthy association, NHS, it a advices that people to drink at least 6 glasses liquid especially water every day.

2. It is rich on Vitamin C

In many centuries, lemon was very thankful for healing difference teeth disease like that brings blood in teeth the disease that cause by lacking Vitamin C.
We all know that Vitamin C helps us to fight and protect our body to be safe from different diseases.

3. It gives good health to Skin

Results shows the similar between Vitamin C and fruits which has bitter in it, shows that those fuits can help you to have Vitamin C in your body, and this vitamin c or lemon can help you to protect your skin and to have good skin.
And in 2026 research said that lemon and bitter fruits can help your skin to stay safe and not be to old fast.

4. It helps in digestion

some people find taking water wit lemon mostly in the morning ,it helps in the way digestive system works. even if specifically it is caused by many different things.
the research done in year 2019 says that taking most of time the drink with polyphenols of lemon it seems to reduce the changes that is caused by the elder of the pancreas , there some changes in the bacteria that has an importance in the pancreas.


5. Helps fight kidney stones

The citric acid in lemon juice can help fight kidney stones caused by calcium oxalate.
Water also helps to cleanse the kidneys and dissolve the stones that can cause serious kidney disease.